
Gallbladder and Milk Thistle

Gallbladder and Milk Thistle  Introduction to Gallbladder  For dog and humans alike, the gallbladder is a thin sac-like organ that collects bile from the liver, stores and concentrates the collected bile until it is needed for digestion and then releases it into the duodenim (the very first part of the small intestine, immediately after the […]


Exercise and Extra Care of Dogs suffering from Cushing’s Disease

Cushing’s syndrome is a serious health complication that threatens your pup’s longevity and wellbeing. In Cushing’s syndrome, there is overproduction of cortisol and/or other hormones because of a problem in the dog’s hypothalamus, pituitary gland (hypophysis) or adrenal glands.  Overproduction of those hormones causes some combination of the following signs in your dog: Left untreated, […]


Diet for Your Pet with Cushing’s Syndrome

As with humans, the health and wellbeing of your pet largely depend on two main factors–diet and exercise. This is even more the case with pets suffering from Cushing’s syndrome.Cushing’s syndrome may result from any of several causes affecting the adrenal glands, the pituitary gland (hypophysis), or the hypothalamus that result in abnormally high levels […]


Milk Thistle – Common uses for Liver Support and Diabetes

Milk thistle has been used by physicians and herbalists since ancient times to treat liver disorders.  In modern times, the range of uses of milk thistle has expanded to include treatment of diabetic and related conditions, use as an antioxidant and/or anti-inflammatory, treatment for mushroom poisoning, treatment of certain cancers, and even psychological conditions such […]


SAMe: More than just Liver Support

SAMe (S-adenosylmethionine) is best known as a supplement for providing support for the liver.  However, SAMe is also used as a treatment for liver disease, depression, osteoarthritis, schizophrenia, as a safer alternative to NSAIDs for providing pain relief and has undergone clinical trials for many of these uses.  In fact, SAMe is the universal donor […]


Melatonin- Not the Sleep Hormone people think

The one thing everyone knows about melatonin is that it is the “sleep hormone”.  This is wrong.  Rather, melatonin is a  darkness hormone that tells the body time of day and season of year.  It is released (primarily) from the pineal gland when sensors in the eye detect diminishing light or darkness.  In humans, this […]


Cushing and Diabetes

Why are Cushing’s Dogs (and Stressed out People) Especially Susceptible to Diabetes?  The hallmark cause of Cushing’s disease is elevated cortisol levels. Cortisol is the key hormone that the body produces in response to a “fight or flight” stimulus. It causes a cascade of physiological effects, including suppression of the immune system, suppression of digestive […]


COVID-19, Pets and Other Animals

Can Cats and Dogs Get COVID19? The short answer is that cats are especially susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection and are able to transmit it and contract it from humans.  Dogs are less susceptible to infection, but they are capable of doing so.  More research is needed to determine how likely dogs are to transmit the […]



What is an “antioxidant”? Oxidation is a normal chemical process by which an animal’s body gets energy from its diet. However, oxidation also produces byproducts in the form of highly reactive, unbound (free) chemicals called radicals or oxidants. These oxidants float throughout the body seeking other molecules to bind to, a process that includes tearing […]


Cushings in Dogs: Treatment Options Overview

There are numerous treatment options to consider for dogs that have been diagnosed with Cushings disease, also known as canine cushings disease and hyperadrenocorticism. These options are conventional medicinal treatments, natural and herbal treatments, and/or surgery (but only in extremely rare cases). Due to the fact that Cushings in dogs can be difficult to diagnose, oftentimes a […]